PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk (“the Bankâ€) was established based on Notarial deed of Noezar, S.H., No. 30 dated June 15th, 1974. The Articles of Association were approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia by Virtue of Decree No. Y.A.5/224/3 dated June 30th, 1975 and was registered in Bandung District Court No. 132/1975 datedJuly 17th, 1975 and was published in Supplementary No. 448 to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 69 dated August 29th, 1975.The main activity of the Bank is commercial banking.The headâ€office of the Bank is located at Jln. Buah Batu No 58, Bandung 40262. As of June 2010, the Bank has 10 branch offices, 21 supporting offices, 11 cash offices, 34 Automated
Teller Machine (ATM), 1 mobile cash.
opening jobs opportunity for talented banking professionals to share its passion for excellence in its new business direction as
- Male / Female, Minimum Diploma 3 Education multi-disciplinary
- Maximum of 28 years of age on the date of June 1, 2012
- Having experience in the marketing field at least 1 (one) year
- Understanding / Knowing the pension credit on a value-added
- Able to operate computer and Microsoft Office
- Ability to work in a team and a target-oriented and like tasks in the field
- Have interpersonal skills, good communication and negotiation
- Willing to pay a bond and would be placed in your Bank Branch suluruh
- Has not and never married, and are willing to not get married for 1 (one) the first year
- Passed the admission test
- Get the training programs to improve the competence
- Clarity of career path for the future with an attractive remuneration system
- Get Allowance for basic education
- Bonus, performance-based Isentif
- Surat Lamaran - Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga
- Curiculum Vitae - Fotocopy NPWP (Bila ada)
- Fotocopy KTP - Fotocopy Surat Referensi Kerja (Bila ada)
- Fotocopy Ijazah - Fotocopy Surat Kelakuan Baik (SKKB/SKCK)
- Fotocopy Transkrip Nilai
Penyerahan berkas lamaran maksimal tanggal 15 Mei 2012 (Cap Pos)
Penyerahan di alamatkan pada Jl. Buah Batu No. 58 Kantor Pusat Bank Saudara Bandung
Bubuhkan kode di amplop kanan atas dengan kode (ROTP) dan kota/ wilayah
Contoh : ROTP - Bandung / ROTP - Jakarta
Application Send CV, recent color 4x6 Photo Pas send to: