Monday, April 30, 2012

Bank Saudara Job Vacancy

PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk (“the Bank”) was established based on Notarial deed of Noezar, S.H., No. 30 dated June 15th, 1974. The Articles of Association were approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia by Virtue of Decree No. Y.A.5/224/3 dated June 30th, 1975 and was registered in Bandung District Court No. 132/1975 datedJuly 17th, 1975 and was published in Supplementary No. 448 to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 69 dated August 29th, 1975.The main activity of the Bank is commercial banking.The head‐office of the Bank is located at Jln. Buah Batu No 58, Bandung 40262. As of June 2010, the Bank has 10 branch offices, 21 supporting offices, 11 cash offices, 34 Automated

Teller Machine (ATM), 1 mobile cash.
opening jobs opportunity for talented banking professionals to share its passion for excellence in its new business direction as



  • Male / Female, Minimum Diploma 3 Education multi-disciplinary
  • Maximum of 28 years of age on the date of June 1, 2012
  • Having experience in the marketing field at least 1 (one) year
  • Understanding / Knowing the pension credit on a value-added
  • Able to operate computer and Microsoft Office
  • Ability to work in a team and a target-oriented and like tasks in the field
  • Have interpersonal skills, good communication and negotiation
  • Willing to pay a bond and would be placed in your Bank Branch suluruh
  • Has not and never married, and are willing to not get married for 1 (one) the first year
  • Passed the admission test


  • Get the training programs to improve the competence
  • Clarity of career path for the future with an attractive remuneration system
  • Get Allowance for basic education
  • Bonus, performance-based Isentif


  • Surat Lamaran    - Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga
  • Curiculum Vitae  - Fotocopy NPWP (Bila ada)
  • Fotocopy KTP    - Fotocopy Surat Referensi Kerja (Bila ada)
  • Fotocopy Ijazah  - Fotocopy Surat Kelakuan Baik (SKKB/SKCK)
  • Fotocopy Transkrip Nilai

Penyerahan berkas lamaran maksimal  tanggal 15 Mei 2012 (Cap Pos)
Penyerahan di alamatkan pada Jl. Buah Batu No. 58 Kantor Pusat Bank Saudara Bandung
Bubuhkan kode di amplop kanan atas dengan kode (ROTP) dan kota/ wilayah
Contoh : ROTP - Bandung / ROTP - Jakarta

Application Send CV, recent color 4x6 Photo Pas send to:


KSB SALES ENGINEER for Mining Sector Vacancy

KSB combines innovative technology and excellent service to provide intelligent solutions. This approach means that KSB employees are close to customers on all continents, providing them with pumps, valves and systems for almost all applications involving the transportation of liquids. A comprehensive range of services rounds off this customer-focused portfolio.

KSB has been growing continuously since it was founded in 1871. Today the Group has a presence on all continents with its own sales and marketing companies, manufacturing facilities and service operations. More than 14,500 employees generate annual consolidated sales revenue of almost two billion euros.

Application areas for KSB products

KSB is a leading international supplier of pumps, valves and related systems for the following areas of application

Submit Application

If you Match with our requirement, please send your complete CV with detail previous and current job description and your current salary and indicate the position title to :

PT KSB Indonesia
Jl. Timor Blok D2-1 Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung, West Java

Available Position

SALES ENGINEER for Mining Sector 
(Balikpapan / Banjarmasin / Jakarta)
Job Requirements:

  • D3/S1 degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Chemical, Industrial, or other Engineering background.
  • Male or female, Max. 35 years old.
  • Min. Experience 2 years as sales engineer for mechanical product for industry, chemical, mining / oil and gas would be advantage.
  • Fresh graduated with high passion in Selling activity.
  • Able to work with minimum supervision and Self motivated person
  • Fluent in English both oral and written.
  • Have driving license A, Willing to be placed in Banjarmasin, Jakarta or Balikpapan.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Jasa Raharja ( Persero ) - Seleksi Calon Pegawai PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Tahun 2012
PT Jasa Raharja ( Persero ) - Jasa Raharja is one of the largest Indonesian state owned social insurance companies. The Company established in 1965 and 100 % owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia. The Company ' s head office based in Jakarta and operated 26 branch offices, 61 representative offices, 35 services offices ( KPJR ) and 807 Samsat Joint Offices, which are scattered throughout Indonesia. In 14 December 2010, PT Jasa Raharja ( Persero ) obtained an awards as the Best Enterprise 2010 Finance Sector Insurance from Investor Awards 2010.Carry out accident insurance and public transport passenger liability insurance against third parties under the law as stipulated Law. 33 and 34 in 1964 following its implementing regulations.
To be a leading insurance company which specializes in providing social and compulsory insurance in line with public needs., currently PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) is looking for highly competent and self motivated profesional to fill the following positions:

Seleksi Calon Pegawai PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Tahun 2012

  • Hold min D3/S1/D3 all majors from accredited universities (PTN/PTS)
  • Maximum age 29 years old (S1) and 27 years old (D3)
  • Single and not Married
  • Has not Sibling who worked at PT Jasa Raharja (evidenced by the Statement, signed on Stamp)
  • Willing to be placed in all regions of Indonesia (expressed in the Statement, signed on the stamp)
  • Selection tests will conducted in Jakarta
If you are interested in the job and meet the above qualifications as job requirements, please apply and see how the requirements to apply via the official website below. Only selected candidates will be notified.Closing date 1 May 2012 and admission results will be announced on 3 May 2012 at 06:00 pm. Only the best qualified applicants (shortlisted candidate) will be included in the next selection process.

Lowongan Kerja BUMD PT Bank DKI - Customer Service or Administrasi , and Analis Kredit / Account Officer Conventional / Sharia
PT Bank DKI â€" Bank DKI is one of the Indonesian largest development bank companies. The Company operated since 1961 and its shared owned by the Provincal Government of DKI Jakarta with 99. 84 % shares. Other shares owned by PD Pasar Jaya with 0. 16 % shares. The Company ' s main office located in Jakarta and currently operated 162 branch networks.PT Bank DKI â€" Bank DKI is Indonesia based financial institution owned by by The Provincial Government of Special District of Jakarta. The bank based in Jakarta and operated its banking operation services since 11 April 1961. To provide the best services to its customers, the Company supported by 1773 employees in 162 office networks.
To cornerstone its massive advancement, PT Bank DKI are seeking for young professionals in the field of banking that has competence, passion, high integrity to join as:

Customer Service or Administrasi (Code : CS/ADM) for Conventional / Sharia
Teller (Code : TL)

General Qualifications:
  • Minimal S1, preferably from reputable university majoring in Accounting, Management, Banking, Mathematics, Statistics, Industrial Engineering, Architecture Engineering , Civil Engineering, Law, Computer Science, Communications, Public Relations / Public Relation
  • Good looking and good personality.
  • Height min 160 cm (Female) and 165 cm (Male), with proportional body.
  • Customer oriented
  • Preferred domicile in Jakarta areaPreferred fluent in English (Oral / Writing)
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT. Bank DKI branch offices
Analis Kredit / Account Officer Conventional / Sharia (Code : AK)

  • Hold min S1
  • Max age 30 years old
  • Experienced in same field min 3 years
If you are interested in vacancies in the top and has competence in accordance with job requirements above,If you are interested in vacancies in the top and has competence in accordance with job requirements above, please see more info and how the procedure to apply through the official website Bank DKI below.Closing date 30 June 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Anantara Vacation Club Bali

We are seeking for qualified, experienced and passionate candidates for the following positions:

1. Financial Controller
2. Human Resources Manager
3. F&B Supervisor
4. Spa Supervisor
5. Head Chef
6. GSA
7. Waiter
8. GRO / Guest Activities

Candidates who wish to apply should do so in writing, providing an update resume and a recent photograph no later than
May 7th, 2012

Please address your application to:

Director of Human Resources

Only short-listed candidates shall be contacted.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Ibis Styles Bali Benoa

We are new Ibis Styles Bali Benoa managed by Accor Group with 177 rooms is looking for :
1.    Housekeeping DW
2.    Waiter DW
3.    Waitress DW
4.    Engineering DW
5.    Cook DW female
6.    Steward DW
7.    BellDriver with SIM A, DW

Please send complete CV with recent photograph to :, cc.

Jalan Pratama 57A, Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
Tél.: +62 (361) 3001 888 - Fax : +62 (361) 3001 999 -

Sales Marketing di PT Multisukses Wahana Karya

Dibutuhkan Marketing Sales Untuk Produk Generator Set.

Kriteria :

Wanita usia 23 s/d 30th,
Berpenampilan menarik, dan

Fasilitas :

Gaji pokok,
Komisi, dan
Kendaraan perusahaan

Job Desc :

Memfollow up customer dari data base yang di sediakan perusahaan,
Melakukan kunjungan ke kustomer, dan
Negosiasi harga produk

Jika berminat dan memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan silahkan kirim CV dan lamaran beserta foto anda


Info detail lihat di :

Staff Administrasi Perkantoran di PT Inti Tama Karsa

PT Inti Tama  adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan hasil tambang dan hasil pertanian,Man power dan suply yang mempunyai beberapa kantor cabang. Butuh karyawan pria/wanita untuk posisi sebagai staf administrasi perkantoran,keuangan,gudang,personalia,koordinator,operator dan Security.
Persyaratan Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat dan fasilitas yang di dapat gaji pokok,jenjang karir,tunjangan,Jamsostek dan jaminan langsung kerja.
Bagi calon pelamar yang ingin melamar dapat mengirim CV dan data diri via email ke atau via SMS nama,alamat,pendidikan,umur,tinggi,berat badan dan posisi yang di lamar ke 082112583363 up HRD Manager.Yang memenuhi persyaratan akan di panggil untuk walk interview dan langsung kerja.


Info detail lihat di :

Lowongan BUMN PT Danareksa ( Persero ) - Online Trading Head
PT Danareksa ( Persero ) - Danareksa is one of the biggest national investment companies in Indonesia. The Company founded in 1976 and became the first company to introduce mutual funds in Indonesia. Danareksa was also the first to launch a US Dollar - denominated fixed - income fund and promote syariah - based investments. Danareksa ' s main office located in Jakarta and currently supported by 31 branch offices in major cities all over Indonesia. Based on Danareksa Annual Reports 2010, total revenue of Danareksa in 2010 recorded Rp484. 06 billion. PT Danareksa ( Persero ) recorded net profit of more than Rp50 billion in 2010, increased 145. 82 % from 2009.

PT Danareksa (Persero) is looking for the potential candidates to join as following position below:

Online Trading Head (Code : RCM-ONLINE)

  • Minimum education S1 from reputable university with GPA not less than 3.0.
  • At least 5 years experience in the field of sales and marketing at leading securities firms with at least 3 years managerial dilevel especially in online trading.
  • Have been certified at least Sword Securities Broker (WPPE) issued by Bapepam.
  • Have good analytical skills.
  • Have the managerial capabilities and multi-tasking.
  • English is fluent, both written and spoken.
  • Have the ability to operate a trading applications.
If you are interested in the job and meet the competency requirements in accordance with the above work, Have a look and apply through the official website below.If you are interested in the job and meet the competency requirements in accordance with the above work, Have a look and apply through the official website below.