PT Patra Niaga was established in February 27, 1997. As part of Pertamina’s Subsidiary Business Realignment Initiative, PT Patra Niaga is placed to actively develop and establish presence in the Downstream side of the oil and gas sector. As a direct result of this unique positioning, all of the opportunities in the Downstream Oil and Gas sector are open to the company to pursue and capitalize, are inviting high caliber professionals with integrity, high motivated achievement, talented, strong personality, and leadership to join their team for senior positions as
Patra Niaga is continuing on to a new chapter in its quest to become the leading player in Indonesia’s downstream oil & gas industry. Following a period of continuing internal improvement, we have established our competitive position through strategic realignment and corpotate-restructuring measures. From year to year, we have consistently increased our earnings.
During the past several years, Patra Niaga had implemented key actions for strengthening the future growth of the Company Merging overlapping subsidiaries, refocusing business direction, are some of the tough decisions we are implementing.
As a direct result of this unique positioning, all of the opportunities in the Downstream Oil and Gas sector are open to the company to pursue and capitalize, are inviting high caliber professionals with integrity, high motivated achievement, talented, strong personality, and leadership to join their team as:
Lowongan Kerja PT Patra Niaga â€" PT Patra Niaga is logistics and Trading company in energy sector Acknowledged as Trading and logistics in international markets.
Patra Niaga Conducts bussiness activities in trading , marketing , distribution , storage, transportation and other servieces related. To maximixe the bussiness value chain through an global Energy markets.
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga â€" Originally registered as PT ELNUSA HARAPAN in 1997, PT PATRA NIAGA was launched in 2004 to focus on the downstream oil and gas (O&G) business.
In 2012, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) began to align all logos of its subsidiaries through Pertamina Directorate of Marketing and Commerce. The Directorate started to rebrand each of the subsidiary’s logos including the PT PATRA NIAGA logo and changed the company’s name to PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA.
Today PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA offers fuel trading, fuel handling, fleet management and depot management.
New efficient strategies and a rational organizational approach has strengthened the company’s position, even with today’s increased competition. PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA constantly strives to increase its competitiveness in both national and global O&G markets.
PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA is being Growth rapidly through 4th Corporate Values below:
Opportunity Seeking
Risk Awarness
Service Excellence
….. Career Opportunity…..
- Liaison Officer
- Staff Ticketing
- Health Security Safety Environment
- Staff GA
- Manager Purchasing & GA
- Staff Purchasing
Liaison Officer
Jakarta Raya
- Female
- Age max. 25 years
- Min. D3 all majors
- Good level of English
- Familiar with Microsoft Office: word, excel, power point and internet
- Having min. 1 year experience in the same field
- Strong Communication, persuasion and negotiation
Staff Ticketing
Jakarta Raya
- Wanita.
- Fresh Graduated / Pengalaman 1 tahun.
- SMIP atau SMK Pariwisata
- Mengerti prosedur ticketing dan reservasi online
- Menguasai MS Office dan internet
- Berpenampilan menarik, jujur, teliti, sopan serta memiliki relasi yang luas
Health Security Safety Environment
Jakarta Raya
- Memonitor implementasi dari kebijakan dan prosedur Health Security Safety Environment di Perusahaan untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya dengan kebijakan dan prosedur yang berlaku agar terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dapat diminimalkan
- Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
- Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama atau Fresh Graduated Teknik Lingkungan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di luar Pulau Jawa, rencana : Balikpapan, Batam dan Makasar
Staff GA
Jakarta Raya
- Mengelola pelayanan jasa â€" jasa dan kebersihan kantor untuk memastikan tersedianya fasilitas perkantoran dan tingkat kebersihan kantor sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan
- Pendidikan Formal : S1 semua Jurusan
- Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama
- Dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu
Manager Purchasing & GA
Jakarta Raya
- Mengkoordinasikan dan mengelola kegiatan pengadaan barang perusahaan untuk memastikan tersedianya barang baik pihak user sesuai waktu dan spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan.
- Mengkoordinasikan dan mengelola pelayanan jasa â€" jasa dan kebersihan kantor untuk memastikan tersedianya fasilitas perkantoran dan tingkat kebersihan kantor sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan
- Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
- Mempunyai sertifikasi Prosedur Pengadaan Barangaan yang berlaku secara umum
- Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 5 (lima) tahun dibidang yang sama
- Mempunyai Vendor List
Staff Purchasing
Jakarta Raya
- Mengelola kegiatan pengadaan barang perusahaan, mencari informasi (sourcing) vendor dan kegiatan administrasi pengadaan barang lainnya
- Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
- Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama
- Dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu
Please Send Your Comperhensive Resume In Detail And Put The Position Code On The Envelope Or As Subject Of Your Email.
Apply Klik Disini
HR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C7-9
Gedung Wisma Tugu II Lt.2
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